■The English lessons that Miss Helen taught us were lively and interesting.(误)
析:teach sb.a lesson意为“教训某人一顿”。根据句意,应将taught改为gave。
■The big fire spread through the building quickly,but luckily everybody tried to escape.(误)
析:try to do表示“试图做某事”,但成功与否不确定。manage to do的含义是“设法做成某事”。根据句意应使用managed to escape或was able to escape。
■We all persuaded Father to give up smoking,but he wouldn’t listen.(误)
析:persuade的含义是“成功地劝说(说服)某人做某事”。根据句意应使用tried to persuade。
■The young man pointed to a policeman over there,explained and said,“He stopped us half an hour ago.”(误)
析:语义重复。应将and said去掉。explain本身就是“解释说”的意思,没必要再与say连用。另外,把“over there,explained”改成over there and explained就更连贯了。
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